Criminal bitch Ann Aiken, return what you've STOLEN
Foul murderous bitch Aiken and the entirety of the criminal cartel continue stealing my funds and my rights
This is another page that is about to be soiled with the disgusting, disreputable name of one of the criminal bitches of the filthy criminal cartel, “the US gov-t.”
On the one hand, there is very little benefit from writing this – each and every criminal bitch in any type of “US gov-t” is the same in terms of criminal mindedness, filthiness, deceptiveness, etc. No need to single out any criminal, foul bitch in particular.
On the other hand, although it is impossible to list every foul bitch on this wall of shame, as such scum of the earth is so numerous and I haven’t dealt with all that scum personally to be able to write conclusively about its crime, I certainly witnessed how this particular criminal bitch – Aiken – falsified documents, lied, participated in the murder and robbery of me and my family, perverted the “law,” and otherwise has been involved in the most disreputable atrocities and crimes.
The ancient foul vagina Aiken is a clowness of “the US court” in her, apparently, mid 70-s. Still, the septuagenary bitch hasn’t been deterred from lying, stealing, and perverting.
The filthy criminal cunt, Aiken, while pretending to “perform” her “official duties” and while disguised as a “judge” of the “federal court,” has worked closely with other scum of the criminal cartel for falsifying documents, stealing my money, perverting the “law,” and criminally preventing me and my family from recovering for damages, as the “law” prescribes; from obtaining “medical” help after the foul criminal cartel poisoned us and inflicted systemic injuries; and otherwise assisting the fetid criminal cartel in the persecution of the free thinker and speaker who was brave and noble enough to acknowledge and speak about the crimes of the foul criminals-in-“law.” Foul bitch Aiken stole, in the most literal sense, my funds by falsifying the documents and perverting the “statutory law.”
Once again – it is impossible to “expose” the foul criminal cartel as a whole and the foul criminal bitch Aiken in particular. To whom I will be exposing the bitches? To (roughly) 0,05% or less of the population that is not foul, lying, criminal, supporting the criminals and the “power” cowards, lackeys, and nothings? It is unlikely that they will even come across this massively suppressed and hidden by the filthy criminals publication. Nevertheless, I am writing this because of my integrity and in honor of my Family, murdered by the foul, fetid criminal bitches, one of whose is filthy Aiken.
Criminal nothing and murderous bitch, Aiken – for your disgusting crimes you incurred my curse and may you be forever condemned and ridiculed. The fetid diaper of the criminal cartel, Aiken – the clowness of the “court” that lies, soils, and perverts to carry out the criminal dealings of the nasty criminal-bitches-in-law – may the universe clean up after itself and correct its error by eliminating you and other similar foul criminal mutants and bitches.