Malicious frauds defraud YOU out of money for the opportunity to brainwash you and dumb you down.
They are not your friends and they follow the exact script for shaping your opinion and distracting you.
I have been watching in awe how the multimillionaire Berenson have been sheep-shearing his tens of thousands of subscribers to purportedly “fund the censorship war.” I can almost physically sense the arrogance of that phony “martyr” and hear his loud guffawing while he collects from the naïve crowd that follows him.
The corporate media, while boosting Berenson, says that he is “making at least $1.2 million a year” from his substack followers alone.
The fact that the multimillionaire has the gall to ask for even more money from the people the majority of whom are certainly do not have financial means of Berenson shocks but does not surprise me as that is what should be expected.
However, the fact that the crowd believes wholeheartedly that it is helping fight “censorship” or some other “injustices” is troubling.
I am not going to even look at the details of Berenson’s purported “banning” on the twitter platform, which he is suing for a purported “defamation.” It is not worthy of my time and attention because it is clearly ridiculous and a hoax.
This, however, is important: Berenson has “tens of thousands of paid subscribers” and the amount of his presence on the web is sickening. He makes extraordinarily large amounts of money while purportedly “fighting the system.”
He was “banned” on twitter so that he can move to another platform and, with the support of the corporate media, start making millions of dollars. Nonsensical.
Instead of silencing its purported “enemy,” the government allows him to greatly profit and prosper. Does anyone really believe that?
That government that starts bloody wars to simply line its pockets does not look like a humanitarian. It also is hardly a forgiving entity that treats its enemies like they were its pals.
What is wrong with those people who do not understand that they are being played? Berenson has a bulletproof presence on the internet and is being steadily promoted by the corporate media. Through the most certainly engineered act of public “banning” of Berenson, which he also claims has “defamed” him, he simply migrated to another platform. The cunning PR scheme of turning Berenson into a “martyr” has helped his further enrichment and turned him into the multimillionaire.
What is also troubling is that people have no sense to understand that Berenson is not being censored, he is being boosted and relentlessly promoted. They also do not understand that actual censorship exists and that corrupt courts do not allow people with actual injuries and solid constitutional claims to even meaningfully enter the courtroom.
That show of the “engineered justice” — Berenson’s bogus “lawsuit” to pursue which that fraud continues to defrauding the unwitting out of even more money — is so insulting to the true victims and people who have real claims which, in direct violation of the existing law, they are not allowed to prosecute.
The crowd that funds the scumbags like Berenson surely feels proud and feels that they are *involved in something big.* In actuality, they are simply being played and used for funding of yet another engineered “war” — this time in the courtroom. The purpose of that phony “war” is to distract people, led by the controlled opposition, and have them believe that the law is being enforced and something significant is happening — which cannot be farther from the truth.
That is what the government does when it wants to censor and silence someone: