In response to my statement that nearly everyone ignores the ongoing crimes I write about in my blog, the Substack’s author Ray said that people actually do not ignore me, they just “shy away” from “pain” that he believed I was “communicating,” as the situations I describe are “beyond most people’s imagination.”
I realized that there are likely others who similarly misinterpret and misunderstand my intentions. I do not “communicate” any “pain.” And that I say in each my post that I wish there were honest people and true activists who would simply acknowledge that their “judges” criminally falsify and simulate the “proceedings” in order to criminally deny to me the clearly established constitutional rights and protect the criminals. In my posts, I even often clarify that I write not to “share” but to expose and stop the crime.
In other words, the only purpose of this blog is accountability or an attempt to bring and secure accountability.
(I also do not think that people “shy away” from “pain” – they like the gruesome details, and when the “story” is brought by some popularized fraud, so many seem to respond with exaggerated “activism,” donating their time, money, and other resources. But because I am not a malicious fraud, in my case most people “don’t give a damn” about my “experiences” and I think only a few actually read closely or gave it any consideration. But – that is nearly irrelevant as my goal is not to share any “pain” but the entire focus is on bringing public awareness to the ongoing crimes in hopes that there would be enough honest and brave people to simply acknowledge it. Those crimes are being done in broad daylight but in “secret” – by entirely ignoring the true facts and issues and maintaining the bogus façade of propriety (e.g., simulating the “proper” legal proceedings, etc.). And simply “acknowledging” it and bringing it to light might deter the criminals).
So, I wanted to clarify – my goal is accountability:
The crimes are happening NOW – the Ninth Circuit’s lying nits just now – October 19, 2022 – criminally – in shocking violation of the statutory law, “precedents,” and all principles of jurisprudence disposed of my appeal through deceit and fraud.
They must be stopped and they could be stopped by people acknowledging that they lie, violate the law, and simulate the “proceedings.” I’ve challenged everyone who does “not believe” that what they do is a crime and is done deliberately in order to abuse and cover up the crimes, to try and “prove” that in the comments. That is, if you “believe” that my “understanding” of the law or its “interpretation” is not correct, demonstrate it in the comments. I know that I am entirely correct, and I cited all the “laws” repeatedly, provided the actual “filings” and offered to provide more documents, if needed, per request.
No one would be “challenging” me. The scumbags’ position is to entirely ignore and bury my quests and not to attract any attention to it. The only time when a “critical” attention is brought to some “story” or “individual” is when the criminals, for whichever reason, push it into the masses and advertise it to the public. Of course, the public thinks (do people really believe that? Or just pretend because that’s expected from them?) that “the free press” simply does its “job” and “faithfully reports” the “current events” to it.
So, if anyone was under the impression that this blog is for the purpose of “communicating pain” or sharing some dreadful experiences – please know that the purpose of this journal is to bring awareness to the ONGOING CRIMES that are being committed UNDER THE GUISE of the “legal proceedings,” so that those CRIMES COULD BE STOPPED.
Dear friends – although the ones who “read” this blog most closely are the true enemies, and of course I do not and never will address them – please mention my fight with the criminals-in-law – the “courts” – in your comments to other articles, when appropriate, or on your blogs.
There is a way to do that even without fully or at all endorsing the author’s (in this case, mine) position.
This blog is a request for some ACTION so that there could be at least some ACCOUNTABILITY.
The whole world must change: