Controlled opposition frauds and their subtleties
James Roguski, Tessa Lena, Margaret Anna Alice LLC, and Ana Maria Mihalcea.
Controlled opposition is a well-oiled machine, tuned by the criminal cartel aka “the government.” Don’t underestimate an extent of constant involvement, control, and strategizing by the collection of inborn criminals, introduced to you as your state and federal “judges,” senators, house representatives, all “law enforcement” and “intelligence” agencies’ “workers”, etc. – in all things directly and indirectly related to restricting information, “helping” you to make up your mind about all sorts of things, constant propaganda, deception, and mind control.
That’s where a whole array of fraudulent activists, masterfully disguised as “alternative media,” “resistance,” “rebels,” or “opposition” come into play.
The goal is to distract the public by some empty demagoguery, convince people that they belong to and support the “resistance movement,” inject and instill defective conclusions into their minds, and – importantly – limit, suppress, muzzle, make look insignificant, unimportant, and unworthy of the public attention those who try to report on the actual crimes of the assembly of scumbags (I like to name each of them, and always do in my posts about criminals in your courts, police departments, district attorney offices, city attorney offices, and other similar scum of the earth).
Works like a charm. The collection of frauds who milk the unwitting public that believes that it follows the “resistance movement” ranges from whopping “tens of thousands of paid subscribers” category of multimillionaires and “heavy hitters,” actively promoted and advertised by the mainstream media who “earn” millions just off their Substack subscribers alone, and “modest,” “humble,” “rebellious” newbies that profit fairly well and become “instant success” and “bestseller” (Substack started displaying the “bestseller” rank next to the names of such “earners”).
This post is about “humble bestsellers” who distract, deceive, and confuse the public – and, collectively, greatly harm that public and essentially assist the criminals – and in return are provided with constant influx of cash “donations.”
Note: my analysis is based on the “big picture” that was formed when I was interacting with their content. I stopped checking anything what the authors, described below, publish. It has no value or meaning to me, and it’s a pity to waste my intellectual bandwidth on recycling and processing the meaningless subtle propaganda. That being said, I will not be scrutinizing over each nonsensical inconsistency or any other such oddity that those authors regurgitate and contradict themselves with. However, their propaganda and narrative keep resurfacing here and there (other Substacks, random comments I encounter, etc.). Although I no longer read them myself, there are plenty of reminders about them, coming from various sources. So, this – purposely – is not a comprehensive analysis, just an attempt to point out a thing or two and provide my assessment as I see it through the lens of the “scumbaggery detective.”
James Roguski. This author made his small fortune (after all, he is now the “bestseller” with “hundreds of paid subscribers”) by selling an entirely irrational and defective idea of “saving the world” by writing letters or placing calls to the WHO. Who is that WHO? Is there a procedure in place that lends itself to personal interactions with whichever dummies, hired to robotically follow whichever directives they are given? Certainly, not.
By distracting the unwitting public with his fraudulent ideas, Roguski has been instilling into people the false idea that some dummies in the “WHO” can and will change or adjust their course of action that apparently is on the agenda of those who want – and in fact have – total control over the population.
Roguski’s “activism” subtly protects the “government” and whoever is behind that “government.” The scumbags and despots are taken out of the picture. Instead, some unknown nameless “WHO workers” are “responsible” for changes and policies that organization seem to be introducing. It appears that there might be some coordination of action and some show is being put on for the “benefit” of the public. For instance, after the public is told to write letters to “WHO,” it suddenly slightly “changes” its course of action and the author “celebrates” together with his dumbed down readers while recruiting even more followers who will also devotedly write letters to “WHO” and securing even more cash donations.
As I said earlier, there is no procedure in place that says that the hired dummies in the “WHO” should be told through correspondence, sent by the public, what they should do or how and what they should not do. Or that the dummies should or would take into consideration any suggestions of the public.
However, there is a very clear right – in the constitution itself – and in the statutory and “case” law, “created” by the scumbags – of “access to the courts.”
Note that while I have been trying to draw the public and each and every fraudulent “activist,” “gov. accountability organization,” “lawyer,” “journalist,” “investigative reporter” attention that such a fundamental, clearly established “constitutional right” as effective and meaningful “access to the courts” is being criminally “refused” to me through such unequivocally criminal acts of deception, record falsification, shameful perversion of the “law,” violation of the “statutory law” – by the criminal “government” (which makes it even more criminal because the scumbags deceive the public that they do just the opposite – “protect” everyone’s “constitutional rights”) – absolutely everyone has been ignoring me, with the exception of the few people.
Isn’t that strange? A clearly established by the constitution and all the “law” procedure and “rights” are being violated and criminally refused, and no one – including the “activists” – cares, and some laughable nonsense, unfounded in the law, procedure, or established rules is being “humbly sold” and becomes the “bestseller?”
Note how unified and united the subtle operators are. Endlessly, they promote and boost each other.
No talent is required to become a success. In fact, talent (intelligence, creativity, free thinking, integrity) – is handicap to achieving “success” – the world of scumbags does not need intelligent or unique, just complicit robots and “popular activists” who would peddle defective distraction to the masses.
Tessa Lena. Sadly, this author is often regarded as genuine or “well-meaning.” Like I said above, I cannot dive too deep into that subtle propaganda as otherwise I will write a small “dissertation,” which – including the consequent “cleansing” from those weeds for the mind – will unnecessarily consume too much of my intellectual resources. And still that effort will not be appreciated. But all the narrative of such authors is perpetually repeats itself – you read a few articles, you read them all. So, again, I am going to point out just a thing or two.
Tessa Lena, after countless “you will eat ze bugs” publications, replete with endorsements of all the frauds of the controlled opposition and – in my opinion – entirely empty and useless philosophizing and repeated over and over again by the fraudulent “opposition” false cliches such as “And that’s why Assange is in jail” (claiming that because he is “in jail,” it somehow illustrates best lack of “free speech” or “tyranny”), finally graduated to philosophizing about “the power of one human being to go against the grain, stand up for dignity, and actually win.”
She was talking about some “attorney” Bobbi who supposedly “went against the grain” and singlehandedly changed or about to change the entire course of the history and the whole corrupt “legal system” in the US. (Oh, wait, apparently, according to Lena, the “legal system” is not corrupt but incredibly humane, open to changes, and even brilliant). I will not be discussing the substance of those supposed “efforts” or pointing out that some cheap show is being put on for your “benefit.”
In response to Lena’s claims, I commented - reflecting on my experience and tremendous effort - that it is incorrect that just because one wants to “go against the grain” and steadily goes, for several years, while complying with all the law — whereas the existing “law” specifically “supports” and “protects” those particular efforts, would achieve anything at all as the criminals in the “courts” criminally “refuse” to even accept papers, falsify the documents and transcripts, pervert and violate the existing “law,” directly assist other criminals with physically harming the “disobedient,” simulate the proceedings and do truly atrocious and criminal things the extent of atrocity and criminality of which the world of scumbags conveniently pretends to “not understand.”
As bath tissue of the criminal cartel and bogus activist, Tessa Lena also “conveniently” ignored my comment.
I hope the reader has enough sense to understand that I am not writing about Tessa Lena because she “ignored” my comment - each and every fraud has been ignoring all my comments, evidence, and information. I want the public – at least that portion of it that is not completely moronic and has some integrity – to recognize that it is not a coincidence that same meaningless stories and themes are being repeated and perpetually recycled over and over again but other stories or information, substantiated by strong evidence, “law,” and common sense are being entirely ignored by everyone. I want the public to see that the entire “journalism” and “activism” is phony, highly commercialized, follows the exact approved script, and you’re being had and laughed at – for your own “cash donations.”
If the “legal” system “works” so superbly (to supposedly “stop the most powerful people”) in the case which is entirely undefined, muddied up, unprecedented, unfounded in existing law, and appears to be some simulation, show, or distraction but does “not work” where it is backed up by the huge, centuries old, body of “law” and the “precedents” – isn’t that strange?
Also, I dealt with thousands of “lawyers,” and will soon start publishing “profiles in scumbaggery” about some of them (remember the so-called “profiles in courage,” published by the malicious frauds about the malicious frauds?), and I can tell you that there are no people among them with even a tad of integrity. Those who had integrity, have been silenced, poisoned, eradicated, left the “profession” a long time ago, etc.
Shockingly, Lena is also the “bestseller” with “hundreds of paid subscribers.” How poor is the taste of the moronic public!
The phonies are able to extract so much money because they operate together - boost and market each other and engineer the “fad” of following the “activists” which, in reality, are just the greedy frauds. The morons like to “belong” to some “movement.” Once they’re convinced that they follow some “trendy” or “proper” “activists,” they feel that they are part of “success” or “resistance,” and by funding the frauds, they “signal” their “virtue” to the world.
Margaret Anna Alice LLC. This one is so obviously boring that it would not take much space until I move to the last character. The amount of phony, artificial sweetness is sickening. Constant butt kisses for all the malicious frauds. Constant begging for more money because she (I assume, she, however there could be anyone behind that Margaret Anna Alice LLC) supposedly “unmasks tyranny” (guffaw!) with all those pointless, convoluted, factually defective, unaddressed, anonymous, and never mailed letters. I posted a few critical comments to one of Margaret Anna Alice LLC’s articles, primarily about her/his/its fraudulent endorsement of the controlled opposition criminals. I received an answer that I should not “waste (her?) time.” At the same time when I posted those few comments in the comment section of (just) one of Margaret Anna Alice LLC’s publications, I also saw that defective nonsense being re-printed by the fraudulent websites that purport to be “alternative media” – OffGuardian and ZeroHedge. I wrote essentially the same critical response there. The foul frauds of ZeroHedge did not even post my comments, critical of the controlled opposition. Do you really believe it to be the “alternative media” website that “protects free speech”? And Margaret Anna Alice LLC, being true to herself (?) – a conceited creep – wrote that she (?) should be “honored” that I “follow” her (?) “everywhere.” Once again, I responded to just one article, and it was, I think, 7-8 months ago. But the phony used that as a chance for further self-promotion – including in the role of a “martyr” who is being “unjustly accused and persecuted.” Since that, described above, one interaction with the content of Margaret Anna Alice LLC, I have not checked anything that that author produces, because… Well, see above.
I also hope the reader has enough sense to recognize that I do not have any personal “grudges” or even emotions against or toward Margaret Anna Alice LLC. These observations are being published with only one goal – to reflect on the controlled opposition and their fraud.
Ana Maria Mihalcea. This is probably “the most controversial” (read, well-disguised as a “good guy” rather than the fraudulent “opposition”) character. I just don’t trust her and feel phoniness and extreme commercialism. Everything comes to selling her questionable potions and questionable (overpriced) services that supposed to cure desperate, scared (including by the writings she publishes) injectees. That fact that she was “invited” to participate in the “show” of the scumbag, “Stew” Peters, who even looks like he just escaped from prison (yes, most if not all scumbags I write about (and I primarily write about crooks, murderers, and criminals, disguised as “the government”) belong in prison, but some of them constantly control their facial expressions in order to appear normal, kind, sensible, and not evil – but that’s not the case with Peters), tells me a lot about Mihalcea.
Unquestionably, the criminal frauds such as “Stew” and the entirety of the controlled opposition frauds operate together, endorse, and promote each other. Without any doubt, being a scumbag is the prerequisite to “participation” in the “show” of Peters.
Ray Horvath recently expressed sadness that he “loses subscribers” for “exposing disinformation.” In other words, he says that when he wrote negatively or critically to a certain extent about Mercola, Robert Kennedy, and some other malicious frauds, a noticeable number of his readers unsubscribed.
I could not care less even if all of my “readers” unsubscribe, at the same time. Most are just “dead souls” (interpret any way you want to) anyway. I stopped checking or paying attention to who “subscribes,” “unsubscribes,” when, or why some time ago.
And I certainly will not be censoring myself to try to make a group of morons “like” me - that is what frauds and hypocrites of the controlled opposition do, and I have nothing in common with them. I will not “not say” something or say only “cautiously” or only “proper,” “trendy,” or “popular” things so that some “readers” continue occasionally opening or reading my mail. I do not want the “readership” of those who proudly fund the frauds and mistakenly believe that they follow the “resistance movement.”
I learnt that if one is right, truthful, and her or his presentation goes against bandits, crooks, and murderers, then that person is going to be completely alone and on her or his own – the controlled opposition and propaganda strategies are in place and are finely tuned and unified as well as the level of public’s intelligence (which includes integrity, intuition, honesty first of all) is so low that the inconvenient truth seekers get easily and automatically excluded and ignored.
Fraudulent activists, like the ones I mentioned here, contribute a great deal to that.
Although the world calls “history” a science, I think that the collection of the worldwide and world-class scumbags has been falsifying – for centuries – the facts to such an extent that we do not have “history.” And we do not know real heroes because the dirty propaganda machine has been inventing phony “heroes” – today those are “celebrities,” “scientists,” “journalists,” “public figures,” “politicians,” and so forth – while silencing and eradicating the true heroes or truth seekers.
Being “alone” in the world of scumbags while holding on to the inconvenient truth is a given, and I do not expect it to be any different.
The "government" is controlled by the same people who control controlled opposition. :)
Alone we arrived, alone we shall go.
I place my hope in the inevitable.