Absolutely spot on. The cultish behavior around him (and Steve Kirsch, et al) should have also clued me in early on. Took a while to see it. Sort of embarrassed that I did not at first. I suppose many of us have been feeling desperate and looking for a spokesperson who would have more credibility; and, of course, he was provided exactly to satisfy this need. Many thanks!

Yes, that excuse: "to be effective" we can't seem "too extreme" (defined by whom, exactly?) shtick was used by Kirsch in a recent response to me.

But if they're ineffective and unsafe, how is it extreme to say so?

And if they had never been demonstrated to be safe and effective, why did you ever advocate them?

Not buying it anymore; from anyone.

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May 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022Author

David, thank you for your comment.

The entire narrative of the "controlled opposition" is just ridiculous and illogical.

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Jun 4, 2022·edited Jun 4, 2022

Dissident could you give some more information on the photograph (when, where) of Landrey and his not-so-merry men? TQ

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It's from Malone's post "Down on the Bayou: The Battle for health freedom in Baton Rouge," posted Dec 7, 2021

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Jun 4, 2022Liked by Dissident

TQ, much appreciated. the corruption runs deep!

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98-99 percent of "opposition" is definitely fake.

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unfortunately. makes it impossible to have any kind of dialogue.

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I don't know about others, but my primary objective is to convince the enforcers that they will be next. Informing, encouraging and entertaining people, while learning from them comes in second, while offering a forum for free speech comes in third.

Apparently, I am becoming good enough for trolls to attack me now. :)

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Btw, I’ve got a little confused – seen your April post (a publication, not a comment) in which, it appears, you endorse Malone and his words/actions regarding the “vaccines” and everything else. Am I missing something?

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same opinion here bro

I hate shills, because they are even trickier than those criminal front faces

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"little ones don't get Covid, she doesn't need to be injected with an experimental vaccine." -

Since the virus has never been isolated, it is likely there is no "covid virus."

Even if there were a virus, no one - not only the little ones - need that poison.

(I think that would be accurate for all vaccines children and adults routinely get injected with, not only for that harmful "covid" concoction).

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deletedJun 12, 2022Liked by Dissident
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It's all down to testing, I don't think that there is a virus either, not a natural one nor a man made one from Wuhan. It's just code on a computer. Also 0s and 1s slip on a computer when translated to information your eyes perceive. I'm really not sure how much this might impact on such code but it's not irrelevant.

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I figure you've answered your own questions, but one maybe.

Nobody has ever isolated any virus.

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" I couldn't...to tell them they've probably killed themselves would be more than they could take" --

On the other hand, should they finally come to realization of what is going on, they could refuse future boosters or other bioweapons of other possible future scamdemics.

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deletedMay 22, 2022·edited May 22, 2022Liked by Dissident
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May 22, 2022·edited May 24, 2022Author

Thanks for these links:



Diana West's line of thought is similar to mine on the subject of fraudsters like Malone, and she writes about the things that I have been pointing out -- in this post and in the many comments I left on the fraudsters' substacks.

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deletedMay 22, 2022·edited May 22, 2022
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And what is that reason?

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deletedMay 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022
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May 23, 2022·edited May 24, 2022Author

I know exactly why my substack is not “popularized.” But the reason I asked you is because that was offered in the context of me saying that West’s line of thought about Malone specifically sounded very similar to mine. I had never read her comments on Malone prior to when you posted those links. And I was surprised to find out that her analysis was almost identical to mine.

But she IS popularized and published and not censored.

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May 23, 2022·edited May 24, 2022Author

Those are the main reasons why I am “not popularized”:

1. I tell the truth and people do not need the truth. They need to be played and need a “product” that would be marketed to them and sensationalized. I do not sell anything.

2. My publications are hidden by the criminals by design and do not appear in search results on google at all. “The scumbag series” cannot be discovered even when duckduckgo or brave search are used.

3. I do not kiss ass. Ever.

4. I never had any social media due its ridiculousness, emptiness, vanity, and toxicity. But when I wanted to tell my story and created the accounts, they were immediately deactivated by the criminals. Since then, I am not “allowed” to create or maintain a social media account. Lots of “popularization” happens through social media.

5. I am not part of the bogus narrative circle that relentlessly promote themselves among each other and their “followers.”

6. Because “investigative journalism” is 99.99% bogus and works for the enemy, no one wants to cover my story (and I have lots of documents!) or even mention it, which goes back to #5.

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The same applies to my Substack.

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Probably the biggest concern for me above is the obvious trolls/bots being paid to talk Malone up and he's liked them all.

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On this screenshot (the one you're talking about)


even the names look phony. Maybe those are not even paid trolls/planted cheering section but he and Jill leave those ridiculous comments to themselves and then like them.

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It's one of them. The comments ring fake to me.

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Right. I think I should have specified that I meant that there might be other users who might be gov. agents or a paid cheering section (the ones that comment all the time, including on other substacks, to make it look real), but the ones from that screenshot above really look like a self-help promotion -- the more the merrier, lol.

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deletedMay 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022Liked by Dissident
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And yet, no other substack (including Kirsch's and Huber's) have so disgustingly pathetic, ass-kissing fawning and constant affirmations of some nonexistent "exceptionalism" and "one-of-a-kindness."

Another reason to think that most of the comments are written by that conceited creep himself.

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Can anyone with a brain not see through the trend?

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Lots of it about at the moment.

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I never fell for Malone, could even have been because of his smarmy know all voice and body language, but Kirsch has an appealing character. I still find Kirsch useful.

Interesting to watch them but reading their sycophantic commenters is beyond my endurance.

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It takes a while Ray, initially one is so relieved that one is not alone in knowing that things don't make sense.

Takes a while to realise that the experts are lying.

Takes a while to realise that the government wants you dead.

Takes a while to find people to talk with.

I am still getting big frights on things that are not as they were made out to be.

Certainly a sense of freedom in not being duped, and a real disconnect with the hoodwinked.

Probably depends where one lives. I live in a public servant locale.

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Only people using their own minds with an objective in sight can make a difference. Only the sheeple follow the bots/trolls and they are assisting the builders of this bright future in contributing their own demise. Natural selection, if you wish...

People who know what they want are hard to manipulate.

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Jun 4, 2022Liked by Dissident

Malone working on his own toxic concoction, RelCovax™, with Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani (of Reliance Life Sciences) - https://www.unite4truth.com/post/what-is-relcovax-the-covid-19-vaccine-dr-robert-malone-pitched-at-summit-in-2021-nothing-good

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Thank you for posting this.

He cunningly peddles "covid vaccines," "covid testing," and manufacturing of more toxic poison to "TREAT THE VIRUS" THAT DOES NOT EVEN EXIST and thousands of people "follow" him and call him a "hero?"

And I do not mean the frauds that endorse him and associate with him for the purpose of enrichment, like many substack "writers" do. Sadly, many people who simply come to substack to read, "learn," and support those frauds are completely oblivious to what's going on and seem to be hypnotized by that pseudo-alternative-media propaganda.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Dissident

tru dat. be well!

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Not reading it all, his agenda is very clear.

Good grief.

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I learned of my son's vaccine injury in 2013. It took me a few years to understand the extent of the corruption. Malone was only injured in 2021. I would suggest that you give him some time.


FYI, I am Malone's coauthor:


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deletedJun 18, 2022Liked by Dissident
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The fact is it is the deadliest pandemic in modern history but completely preventable. They killed 16 million to mint vaccine billionaires.

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this "virus" has never been isolated - in the true sense of the word (NOT combined with other genetic material) - or shown to cause disease.

Metagenomic sequencing is nonsense, fabricated, computer generated genome ASSEMBLY, completely unscientific.

But even within "their" narrative that SARS-COV2 "exists" and "causes disease" - a 99.997% chance of survival certainly doesn't constitute the "deadliest pandemic in modern history". Average age of death = 82 years old.... 2 years beyond average life expectancy. And/or people who had 3+ comorbidities, who wouldve died anyway.

Furthermore, there was no increase in all cause mortality.... at least not until the poison quackzines were rolled out & people were coerced without informed consent to partake in a massive worldwide experiment, for the first time ever.

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Finally, someone who is thinking like I do and openly publishes it (the following is only a relevant example):


Here is a good post from someone else today:


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YOU'RE A RIOT! Malone "peddles 'covid' injections to CHILDREN". 🤣🤣 At what mark? Quotation please.

He tells them to learn about the disease and the vaccines and talk to their parents.

Wow. Looks like you need to revisit middle school language skills and learn the definition of "peddle". You write like an 8th grader. Sad, too, because I agree 100% that government consists of rabid criminals working in concert in criminal activities. Biggest gang in the hood.

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In his own words: "I am an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. I hold numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines: including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies.....Now, I have always been taught and believed that vaccines must be developed in conjunction with life saving treatments for an emerging infectious disease or a pandemic. I am a vaccinologist. I invented the core mRNA vaccine technology platform. I have spent much of my career working on vaccine development. I have also had extensive experience in drug repurposing for infectious disease outbreaks. I am not an antivaxxer in any way, shape or form." https://www.rwmalonemd.com/

I think Malone wants to play both sides of the net. He has never seemed the least bit trustworthy to me. Money and praise are strong motivators; he probably saw an opportunity to cash in on all his basically anonymous work.

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He invented nothing. mRNA was first developed by the Soviets in the early 1980s. :)

He is definitely fake opposition. Confirms the terminology and pseudo-science of the official narrative, while cautiously stepping back occasionally, which many consider a "brave" move, but he only holds his followers' captive in the thick of the lies. He also refers to those, who usurp authority as if their authority was real.

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The 'tip of the spear' is deliberately blunt. Malone is a shill and so is his sidekick, Steve Kirsch.

I find them both deeply offensive and dangerous.

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Great work. (See, I can write like a Malone sycophant.)

Thank you for speaking the truth.

I salute you and I thank you.

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