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The 'resistance' is certainly 'a new mainstream', as I always say and usually call them a "pseudo-alternative media."

Regarding anonymity - I've read so many times on substack, incl. in comments, that people believe that they can do something to preserve their anonymity of the internet, email, transferring files, etc. I clearly saw that the criminal gov. has a direct "back door" unlimited access when the bastards started accessing my computer, even when it's offline, "working on it," stealing/moving files, monitoring all emails (before they arrive), etc. "Hiding" from them through some anonymity would never work.

What I wrote about, however, I believe, is mostly a "popular opinion/belonging to the "mainstream resistance" phenomena - I think some people maintain their "social network" presence in accordance with that.

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022Liked by Dissident

My username was originally anonymous - reason being that I stumbled on Substack one day - one of Steve Kirsch's MANY ridiculous articles that pissed me off because of how insanely ignorant it was. I felt compelled to try to "educate" him (by providing dozens of resources questioning the legitimacy of germ THEORY - and thoroughly explaining why it does not meet the criteria of the Scientific method, Kochs' postulates or River's postulstes). Silly me for thinking he was ever interested in ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC discussion - versus opinion and popular vote/consensus.

Anyway, I never intended on using Substack beyond that - hence why I just had an anonymous name. But I quickly realized approx half of Steve's viewers strongly disagreed with him - in fact, were more aligned with my views. And then I found several other writers who brought MEANINGFUL conversation to the platform.

I was lazy and for awhile didn't bother fixing my name. Until one day I had a friendly debate with someone and they called me out. Fair point (wish I could remember his name....). So I finally took the time to fix it and welp, here I am. Not that my name currently is any more specific than anonymous 😂 but at least people can recognize me a little more when I comment a whole bunch on their articles or whatever.

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I just wanted to clarify that I did not mean "anonymous" as subscribed with an email only and without a profile - I believe no one can see the subscriptions that way as there is no profile but a user cannot comment as well. I meant "anonymous" as most people proceed under nicknames/usernames and not under their legal names and still while displaying many various substacks, are apparently "ashamed" to show others. "Popular vote/consensus" - is a very accurate description, I think - it basically explains how the entire world functions...

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I still don't really know how this platform works and am not committed enough to figure it out 😂 that may change one day, but for now.... I am still sort of just "anonymous user with no profile pic" lol

Anyway, no offense taken. Just wanted to provide an alternative scenario to your rant and hopefully convey that I dont believe I fit into that weird ashamed group of people.

Ive been extremely vocal about my position on all of this and firmly believe if you aren't standing up for yourself (and others), you probably deserve to be called out for it 🤷🏻‍♀️

Also, I have no problem saying who I am. Hi! I'm Sara. I live in sunny Tampa Florida. Nice to meet ya!

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I think I was misunderstood, and I was afraid of that. I really do not care about people's profiles and am not trying to tell them what to do with them - I said that in some situations it might be irrelevant what they display. But there is certainly that "unpopular opinion" perception when "uncomfortable" voices, not boosted by the media, are largely ignored. I did not intend it to sound like a "rant." And, like I said above, it has nothing to do with revealing one's identity - on the contrary, I said that it is likely that some users actually do not want to be "associated" with "unpopular voices" even though no one (meaning, regular users) really knows who they are. And I had (and still have) no idea whether I am or am not on your profile - I said I looked a while ago and checked just several profiles and then, out of curiosity, several more. I also specifically thanked those who commented on my certain posts or liked them - I do not care whether I was/is on those readers' "profiles."

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My fault, I misunderstood. Totally get it now 😊

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022Liked by Dissident

Funny, but it is the ones that I pretty much recognise as controlled opposition that I considered not having visible on my subscribes list. But that's because I didn't want to promote them.

But I've left them all up. I probably don't recognize some that are conning me. It takes a while to really wise up, so I'm still working on it.

I find that it's the small audienced Substackers whom I am most enjoying - can properly converse with them, and maybe raise my consciousness.

I unsubscribed to Eugyppius and Bad Cat because their drum beating was too intolerable to read.

I still read Kirsch (occasionally) as he keeps me up to date with the moving narrative, and he's a good resource to send to the newly almost awakened. And then they can move on later.

Steve worked like that for me about a year ago.

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