Vindictive criminal Michael Mosman & how the criminal cartel continues blocking access to courts and covering up crimes.
Do people know that their “judges” are criminals? Why no one acknowledges it or talks about it?
I previously wrote that I’ve become a subject of persecution by the criminal “government” after I protested corruption and cover-up of the violent crimes committed against me, and stated that I will try to expose these two scumbags:
The scumbags have been physically attacking me, poisoning me and my canine Family, and when all three of us developed the same injuries as a direct result of the criminal poisoning, the scumbags started “preventing” us from accessing certain “medical” services, stealing and destroying evidence of their crimes, falsifying and stealing “medical” records, etc. I wrote about it here and in several other posts to which I attached some evidence.
All the time, the criminals which the public calls “judiciary” have been closely working with the remainder of the criminal foul cartel and suppressing — through crimes, deceit, lies, tricks, diversion or “refusal” of my mail, “not accepting” the filing fee, perversion of the statutory law, “precedents,” facts, etc. — my each attempt of meaningful access to courts. I wrote about it in various posts, and intend to also publish a short summary showing in chronological order that each “honorable” scumbag has been directly participating and assisting in crimes.
My last post on the subject showed that while the appellate court for the Ninth Circuit have been criminally sitting on my filings in clear violation of all its “rules” and “laws,” I wrote to its administrator, Mary Murguia that I am aware of an extent of unlawfulness of the “court’s” misconduct. As Murguia and the “court” continued ignoring me, I refiled my complaint in attempt to “preserve” my rights as the foul scumbags “interpret” the “law” only in the discriminatory or entirely fraudulent manner when it concerns my case.
It was “assigned” to Mosman who unlawfully “dismissed” it. In my “notice of appeal,” I honestly and harshly criticized his criminal actions. The entire document is attached below and this in an excerpt:
Ordinarily, such an unlawful, clownish, and malicious “ruling” such as CM/ECF 6 would not have to be appealed and the action could simply be refiled, as the law clearly explains and allows. However, in this case, as Plaintiff is dealing with the criminal cartel of the scumbags who do not respect the law, lie about the law and facts, fraudulently “suffocate” Plaintiff’s meritorious actions against them through more crime and deceit – Plaintiff is forced to take this action and appeal yet another criminal “ruling,” fraudulent in law, fact, and procedurally.
Instead of healing and recovering from the grave injuries, inflicted on her by the foul scumbags, sued in this action, Jane Doe v. La. dep. jus., et al., No. 22-1056 (D. Or.), Plaintiff has to add to her workload this yet another malicious and illegal “dismissal” of her case by yet another judge who does not respect the law, the U.S. Constitution, the precedents, the principles of jurisprudence, the equal rights under the law, or the “mission statement” of the Ninth Circuit to apply the law “uniformly and coherently.”
Nonetheless, no volume of endless scumbaggery, perversion of the law, trickery, cheap pretense, and deceit will deter Plaintiff from asserting her rights for meaningful access to courts and application of the law in an honest, non-selective, and non-discriminatory manner by the “courts.”
Although such cases of conspiracy to injure may be sustained on circumstantial evidence alone, LILE v. UNITED STATES, 264 F.2d 278, 281 (9th Cir. 1958), Plaintiff’s case is strikingly powerful and unique because she has an abundance of direct evidence – of which the criminal cartel is very well aware as it has been stealing evidence from Plaintiff’s home and computer, re-falsifying it to “fit” the developments that have been newly uncovered by Plaintiff, etc. Most of all, as Plaintiff is publicly posting the documents, audio files, deposition transcripts, falsified and deceitful “court rulings,” etc., together with detailed description of the crimes, the entire criminal cartel studies them closely and is being advised on how to act further and align their criminal dealings.
Therefore, the foul criminals are very well aware of the exceptionally powerful case that Plaintiff has compiled against them, and their pathetic lies and perversions of the law, such as in CM/ECF 6 (and in many other “rulings,” issued by other criminal and malicious “courts” in related cases), is simply the criminal attempt through more crime and outright deception to block this powerful case and artificially, through whichever crime, trick, deception those foul scumbags can come up with, to suppress it in the very beginning because the law says that such an extraordinarily powerful and substantiated case must be tried by jury, just as Plaintiff requested. Plaintiff repeatedly, hundreds of times cited the applicable Supreme Court’s and Ninth Circuit’s precedents in her filings in, e.g., No. 21-314 (D. Or.) and an appeal-related documents, but the pathological liars still pretend to “not understand,” “unsee,” and simply outrageously lie and pervert the law.
The cartoonish and 100% corruptly manufactured 1,5-page “order,” CM/ECF 6, which intentionally misuses the law in order to purport to reach a malicious criminal “ruling,” contrary to Olivas court [cite in the portion of the text which was not included in the excerpt] did not bother even with “rigorous screening.” In fact, the senior member of the criminal cartel made only one fraudulent sentence while purporting to justify the criminal ruling: “Plaintiff's allegations to be without any basis in law or fact and therefore frivolous.”
Plaintiff’s allegations are factually dense, truthful, powerfully asserted by the sharply analyzed narrative where all events are connected and make sense. Plaintiff references actual documents and evidence that she acquired, examined, and preserved.
The Plaintiff’s complaint is remarkably well-presented – in terms of sufficiency and depth of the investigative inquiry. Few people would have such a determination to secure justice and such a persistence and perseverance in pushing against the filthy murderous criminal cartel.
Plaintiff has a remarkably strong basis in fact – and it is obvious on its face, contrary to the deceitful and fraudulent district court’s claim.
Plaintiff’s assertions are also well-grounded in the existing law, which Plaintiff has cited numerous times in her filings, and for the purpose of this notice of appeal it will not be repeated here as the district court’s shameful, deceitful, and fraudulent one-line baseless claim that it is not, is not worth an effort.
Finally, CM/ECF 6 shamefully perverts and misapplies the law (which is not applicable anyway because applies only to the prisoner in forma pauperis complaint) by falsely labeling Plaintiff’s markedly meritorious and substantiated by the evidence assertions “frivolous,” and lies to the public that purportedly the Supreme Court’s law authorized such a corrupt and wrong “determination.” It cites Denton v. Hernandez, 504 U.S. 25, 34 (1992) and Neitzke v. Williams, 490 U.S. 319, 320 (1989) in “support” of the lies. That is what Denton and Neitzke actually say:
“Under § 1915(d)'s frivolousness standard…dismissal is proper only if the legal theory…or the factual contentions lack an arguable basis…Where a complaint raises an arguable question of law…dismissal on the basis of frivolousness is not [appropriate].” Neitzke v. Williams, 490 U.S. 319, 320 (1989).
What kind of malicious lying frauds would falsely claim that brilliantly documented, investigated, and meticulously presented Plaintiff’s meritorious complaint, which is replete and bursting with serious, sound and substantiated by evidence assertions fit the description above?
After that notice of appeal was filed, Mosman immediately — criminally and maliciously — “dismissed” another case which was also “assigned” to him and which is practically the only other “case,” ostensibly not relevant to what I have been documenting on this blog. He also immediately issued a criminal and malicious “order,” preventing me from filing anything in “his court” ever again (unless “first approved by a judge”) entirely without any basis — legal, factual, procedural, or otherwise.
Because together with my notice of appeal I mailed another set of the case initiating documents, my filing fee was “rejected,”

and just in a day after I learnt about it and did not have a chance yet to replace it, the case was also criminally “dismissed” by Mosman through another 1,5-page fraudulent “order,” although that case (the complaint is attached below) was “assigned” to a different “judge.”
Because the previous “judge,” Aiken, maliciously sat for 71 days on my motion in which I asserted irreparable harm – inability to access “medical” services for nearly a year and requested expedited consideration, and because the appellate court continued criminally and unlawfully sitting on my emergency motion as well notwithstanding the fact that I contacted Murguia and publicly posted that communication, together with my refiled action (attached below), I filed a motion for temporary restraining order & preliminary injunction. Scumbag Mosman did not even address it or mention it in his fraudulent 1,5-page “dismissal order” — the scumbags have no right or “discretion” to handle such filings the way they do.
They are ALL scumbags. But that is the first time I am seeing such a clear vindictive pathetic and inappropriate behavior. Most of the scumbags pretend to entirely ignore the fact that I publicly expose their crimes.
Although while “dealing” with my case they do not follow the law at all – even the statutory law or well-established “precedents,” I’d still cite this for those who might be wondering whether it is “acceptable” from the legal standpoint to expose corruption or criticize a “public official.”
The First Amendment and the Supreme Court’s law “protect the free discussion of governmental affairs” which “serve(s) as a powerful antidote to any abuses of power by governmental officials,” encouraging to “criticize governmental agents and to clamor and contend for…change,” Mills v. Alabama, 384 U.S. 214, 218-19 (1966). “[T]he purpose of the First Amendment includes the need …‘to protect parties in the free publication of matters of public concern, to secure their right to a free discussion of public events and public measures, and to enable every citizen at any time to bring the government and any person in authority to the bar of public opinion by any just criticism upon their conduct in the exercise of the authority which the people have conferred upon them.’” […] (quoting 2 T. Cooley, Constitutional Limitations 885 (8th ed. 1927)),” Elrod v. Burns, 427 U.S. 347, 374 n.29 (1976).
Therefore, just and accurate criticism of the unlawful actions of the “judge,” his hypocrisy, lack of respect for any law or the Constitution, perversion of the law and facts, simulation of the proceedings in order to unlawfully deny legal rights and assist criminals-in-law in persecution of me is not only “permitted” or even encouraged but actually is a type of public service.
Because the scumbags seem to no longer “allow” me to file electronically so that they can have much more control (divert mail, refuse mail, sit on the mail so it is “untimely,” etc.), this is how the clerk scanned it:
And the entire file is attached below as a PDF.
Sadly, most people apparently believe that there is “accountability” for the crimes under color of law. When I wrote a post about the criminal shill “judicial watch,” several people commented that they believed that the malicious shill that assists in concealing “judicial” crimes and does not seem to have any “reports” about “judicial” corruption was actually a legitimate “honorable” establishment, and a couple of others appeared to tell me in the comments that I was wrong and that they will continue funding the criminals.
The truth is, there is not a single establishment or a “journalist” with at least a moderately large audience who exposes the crimes or contribute to any “accountability” of the criminals-in-law. On the contrary, they effectively suppress the narrative and trick the public into believing that the things are “on the level.”