Madame Tusseaud's monster show... Thoroughly documented and well-written.

What's next is a good question...

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Thank you very much, Ray - as always!

And this was next - https://1dissident.substack.com/p/silverman-ikuta-and-miller-the-worthless - received the criminal "dismissal" of my appeal yesterday, and immediately wrote the post.

I just want to get it through to the people that those "judges" violate numerous statutory provisions, all controlling "precedents," procedural standards, their own "local rules," and all principles of jurisprudence.

The yesterday's "dismissal" is nothing else but the endless crime, deception, and fraud. I specifically post the documents (and ready to provide more documents) so that people could look for themselves or try and "prove" me wrong.

People are not told that those "judges" are lawless barbarians, and they do not "view" them as such. All the crimes are done in sort of "secrecy" - it's all there but no one would or want to look or acknowledge it.

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This morning, I found another among my articles in which I referred my readers to yours. Apparently, it didn't take... Please, create chapters of your journey; people simply don't read long stuff on Substack... I am volunteering to help, if you need that.

Real crimes are usually done in broad daylight, but the "laws" cannot apply to those, who pass them... Nothing new under the sun...

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As I said before, you've already done more than anyone else at this point in order to help - thank you. Yes, I need any help I can get in bringing awareness to this.

I receive your notifications - I did not see anything today (referring your readers to my stuff - or was it the old article? maybe old articles have less views on average). What do you mean by "didn't take" - no one was interested? I am not surprised - that's what I've been saying.

I've worked very hard trying to make it as readable as I can. I tried "episodes" but it did not work so I made some long posts and started presenting the bits and pieces in the more frequent and much shorter articles.

At this point, I simply want people to understand that this blog is not about "pain" or "experiences" - these I can vindicate in "court" - or so I told.

I want people to understand that the lying worthless nits - through crimes, deceit, and fraud - barricade any meaningful access to courts.

That's what I want to bring the public awareness to - because, as I said, those "courts" still try to maintain the proper facade and make people believe that they do not lie and do not disregard the law.

"Real crimes are usually done in broad daylight, but the "laws" cannot apply to those, who pass them.." - Totally agree. Will only make one remark - those "courts" actually did not pass those laws - I want people to recognize that they literally violate the statutory laws, passed by the congress and signed by the president. Those lying dummies would never admit to this, as it is outrageous. So, practically, they have no "discretion" of any kind in this, and what they do is literally the crime which everybody (I came across) conveniently ignores.

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I discovered long ago that when the 'keepers of the law' fail to obey the law including civil and court procedures, then the only law in effect is the law of the jungle, which is kill or be killed. Nothing you can do about it aside from not seeking remedy in their criminal rooms. These people(?); men-who-wear-dresses-in-public, and Amazon dyke women, are more than likely, satanists/luciferians and baby rapers. They probably love to get together and fuck each other nine ways from Sunday. A bunch of sick fucks. Run the other way.

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Oct 23, 2022Liked by Living among scumbags

Exceptionally well documented. I am utterly impressed by your stamina and courage and SO hope that you will be heard by many!

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Thank you very much! I rarely receive such support and compliments, so it is really precious.

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What happened to you is an absolute disgrace!

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