ACCOUNTABILITY is long overdue - foul criminal bitches must be exposed
There are few conscientious and honest people. But they can make a difference in exposing foul criminal bitches
The crooked media plays an important role in covering up crimes and distorting reality.
No “heroes,” “activists,” “reporters,” “investigators,” “lawyers,” etc. would ever expose “official” crimes. But people who have integrity could help by spreading the word.
I know that I already explained, in long and therefore possibly confusing posts, how access to “justice” has been unlawfully denied to me by the criminal “judiciary,” which is an integral part of the racketeering enterprise, comprised of the criminals-in-law. I attached documents, cited laws and rules, etc. In this post, I will just explain as briefly as I can how the corrupt “judges” – ALL of them – have been methodically covering up the crimes and barricading access to “their” courts. The documents may be found in different posts, and I have more documents to substantiate my testimony.
At all times, those corrupt judges, pictured below, tried not to lose face – they lied, simulated “proceedings,” used various “tricks” in order to conceal their crimes, and grossly misrepresented the facts in order to deceive the public that their conduct was “on the level.”
They do not want to be exposed. They are afraid that people might realize how dishonorable and criminal they are.
I realize the limitations imposed by the criminals through a very careful control of the internet and nearly all “media.” Many readers likely hear about “censorship” from the gov. agents with hundreds of thousands or millions of “followers.” Those phonies are being relentlessly promoted, boosted, and advertised but not “censored.” True censorship means no to very little presence on the internet and there is a very limited way around it. One such a way is spreading the word and sharing widely.
Please help to unmask the criminals!
When they are exposed, they sometimes “change their minds” and suddenly “learn” and “respect” the law. Note that the list of the scumbags, pictured below, is limited to the “federal judiciary.”
1. Shelly Dick
I attempted to file my very first “federal complaint” in middle district of Louisiana when the scumbags in charge of Louisiana department of “justice” and Baton Rouge “police department” started persecuting me in response to my willingness to expose their crimes and corruption. I wrote about it here and in other posts.
The middle district of Louisiana did not want to file my complaint except “under seal” but finally “agreed” to “file” it. It was “assigned” to Dick – “chief judge” of middle district of Louisiana. Filthy Dick criminally suppressed it and made it impossible to prosecute it. Such an unlawful suppression of any lawsuit and especially the one that presents serious questions and asserts irreparable injury violates all rules, laws, and precedents. I cited many of them here. Unquestionably, Dick and middle district of Louisiana closely worked on suppression of my legal action with the scumbags I was trying to sue. After about 2 months of criminally suppressing my lawsuit in clear violation of all existing laws, filthy Dick – in another shocking violation of the statutory law and the “precedents” “dismissed” my complaint “with prejudice.” That was a clear criminal act of denial of access to courts and assistance to various criminals in getting away with the crimes and direct assistance with the continuing persecution of me.
a) At the time, the appellate court for the Fifth Circuit reversed Dick. Many documents that pertain to Dick’s criminal conduct and subsequent reversal are presented in this post.
2. John Degravelles, Erin Wilder-Doomes, and Scott Johnson

After Dick was reversed, I ostensibly got back the unlawfully stolen by Dick and other scumbags right of “access to courts” and refiled my complaint. This time, the criminals contemplated a different approach – to simulate the “proceedings.” Shockingly, my filing fee was not accepted – I attached in this post as figure 1 and 2 the copies of the deceitful and fraudulent letters, sent to me by middle district of Louisiana together with each “returned” cashier’s check that I provided. That’s because the scumbags wanted to purport to “screen” my complaint under the inapplicable “prisoner in forma pauperis statute.” The same post explains with references to the existing law that it is unlawful to pretend to “screen” a complaint of a non-prisoner and especially the complaint which is meritorious on its face. In any event, the scumbags cannot, as a matter of law, dismiss so strikingly powerful and well-pleaded - in terms of sufficiency of the factual assertions - complaint. To criminally “terminate” my complaint, the lying filthy scumbags, mad in their corruptness and criminal-mindedness, have been perverting the law and procedure just to simulate the “proceedings” and “reach” their entirely predetermined false “conclusions.”
Filthy magistrate Wilder-Doomes manufactured some laughable report – a caricature of the “judiciary” and “judicial opinion.” In response, I wrote a 90-page objection memorandum, pointing out each lie, perversion of the law, perversion of the procedure, etc. Among countless lies, Wilder-Doomes falsely claimed that Dick was never reversed but that Dick – in 8 months after the initial criminal “dismissal” of my complaint and on the very same day she was reversed, voluntarily “changed her mind” and “granted” my “appeal.” That’s why, filthy Doomes lied, I was “not prejudiced” whereas access to courts was nearly physically barricaded to me. Doomes further lied that my claims “prescribed” whereas after filthy Dick suppressed and threw out my complaint, I literally did not have even formal “access to courts” and had to wait until Dick was reversed. Also, the persecution of me has been continuous and is governed by the continuing violation doctrine. No matter how strong are the facts, even indisputable ones, such as reversal of filthy Dick, those shameful criminals continue lying pathologically. Foul Doomes perverted each fact, applicable law, openly advocated for the scumbags I was suing. That was the first and the last time the scumbags purported to provide an “opinion” – to avoid my calling them out on their lies and perversions of the law, following my detailed 90-page objections in which I pointed out each such fraudulent lie, the scumbags started unlawfully suppressing and “dismissing” my action through some 1-2-page generalized inapplicable blabber, entirely irrelevant to my action.
Johnson is another filthy magistrate and notorious lying scumbag that has been “working” closely with Doomes and Degravelles and assisting in the crimes against me and the cover-ups.
3. Fifth Circuit and its “panel” - Higginbotham, Higginson, and Duncan

The filthy Fifth Circuit has been also closely “working” with the remainder of the criminal cartel. Immediately after filthy Doomes and Degravelles “announced” that they will “screen” my complaint under the inapplicable “prisoner” statute, I filed a petition for writ of mandamus to stop the deranged middle district of Louisiana’s scumbags who were clearly criminally suppressing my action – for the second time – in clear violation of the procedural rules and statutory law which they have no right whatsoever to violate or disregard. The Fifth Circuit “denied” the writ claiming that I can address that on direct appeal. Thereafter, they entirely eliminated it from their docket as if it were never filed – that’s how they cover up their crimes because yes, it is a crime to pervert the law while acting in “official” capacity and lie in order to deprive one of her legal rights and protections. The “panel” that secretly denied the “secret” writ was Higginbotham, Smith, and Engelhardt. But they all are the same - they do not follow the law but follow the corruptly and criminally predetermined agenda.
Here, I also explained that after the filthy “judges” of the middle district removed the transcript of the “hearing” that foul Doomes purported to “hold,” the Fifth Circuit – in violation of the relevant federal rules of appellate procedure assisted the scumbags with tampering with record on appeal. Despite the clearly stated law that the transcript is a mandatory part of the record (relevant law cited here), it was never re-added to the record on appeal as it should. I audio recorded the sham hearing but the scumbags accessed my tablet and stole / deleted the recording of that “hearing,” which was nothing else but the criminal simulation of the proceedings. The tablet was always kept offline and the file was stolen remotely.
Because the entire Fifth Circuit and these pictured above scumbags in particular followed the corruptly predetermined criminal plan of barricading access to courts and assisting the criminal cartel to which they belong, after I prepared and filed a brilliant appellant brief, pointing out each lie, perversion of the law, the precedents, tampering with record on appeal – and linked all that to record on appeal as I preserved all those arguments at the district court level, the criminals of the Fifth Circuit removed my brief from the docket – the screenshots are here – and shamefully lied that I “failed” to “present” any argument. That was the “direct appeal” to which the scumbags purported to defer the issues I raised with my mandamus. The foul scumbags “dismissed” my appeal as it is less “incriminating” for them rather than “affirming” the foul middle district of Louisiana’s lies and crimes. I attached my entire 55-page brief here and the foul scumbag’s 2-page simulation of an “opinion” which consists of the incoherent phrases that purport to “describe” what filthy Degravelles and Doomes did without providing any opinion regarding those purported acts. Pathetic, shameful, and laughable all around! I, however, am proud of my brief the preparation of which involved thousands of hours of research, careful analysis, and brilliant work with a large volume of material and endless lies and perversions of the law by the scumbags which all had to be succinctly addressed, cross-referenced, rebutted based on the existing law, and linked to the particular document/page in the record while staying within the word-count limitation. The lying Fifth Circuit’s scumbags should be ashamed – should they have any traces of integrity – to lie to the public, falsify and hijack my appeal, and directly assist with the crimes against me. As I explained in my posts about the Fifth Circuit, the clowns even coordinated the timing with Aiken - although the normal turnaround of an appeal is significantly longer. There is absolutely nothing else but endless falsification and deception in how the criminals “handle” my legal action.
4. Ann Aiken
Right after filthy Degravelles and Doomes criminally discarded my legal action, I immediately refiled it – as the law, which I cited here and here and in all my “legal” filings literally hundreds of times but the scumbags still continue pretending “not understand” the applicable law – unambiguously allows. As by that time I relocated to Oregon and the scumbags I was suing continued persecuting me in Oregon, that’s where I refiled it. When I mailed my filing fee, the scumbags stole my mail, “refused” it, and diverted to the wrong address. I provided the detailed screenshots that demonstrate that criminal activity. Note that it is always about preventing me from paying the filing fee as the scumbags believe it is “easier” to throw out the case if the fee was not paid. Apparently, Aiken decided to first humor me a little bit and then “dismiss” my action for “improper venue.”
Although many defendants waived any “improper venue” defenses, and I timely pointed that out and sought appropriate Aiken’s determinations, she was simply ignoring me. There were motions on which the “district court” must “rule” (e.g., for costs, for Rule 11 sanctions, for entry of default) – I referenced the applicable law here and here – but Aiken still failed to “rule” on them and was demonstratively ignoring me. I preserved absolutely all objections, pointed out all waivers and other inadequacies by defendants-criminals and their dumb and corrupt 45 “lawyers” – but it does not matter, as filthy Aiken just like all other bastards were simply simulating the proceedings and working together with the criminals. No matter how intelligently and brilliantly I handle my case – the “results” would be exactly the same – corruptly predetermined and fraudulent.
The venue was proper because any objections to it may be waived, and they were indeed waived by many defendants. The venue was also proper because there have been clearly demonstrated acts in furtherance of the conspiracy to injure me which took place in Oregon. However, despite the criminals concealing their dirty dealings, at the certain point it became apparent that there are actual Oregon-based accomplices and therefore the venue is unquestionably proper because it is the case of the multidistrict conspiracy. In just 3 days after the evidence of the filthy Oregonians directly assisting the foul Louisiana scumbags became available, Aiken quickly “dismissed” my action which pended for over a year through a 2-page corrupt and inapplicable “order.”
I requested that the “order” be discharged in accordance with the law so that I can amend my complaint and add the Oregon-based defendants. I requested an expedited consideration because the scumbags had been preventing me from accessing “medical” services in order to cover up their crimes of poisoning me and my canine Family. Such motions, even when no expedited consideration is sought, usually addressed very quickly – to comport with the principles of “justice” and allow a litigant to initiate appeal and/or take any alternative route. In my case, filthy Aiken sat on my urgent request for 71 days – even though I clearly stated that the scumbags do not “allow” me to access “medical” diagnostic procedures and treatment – prior to manufacturing a 2-page fraudulent order where she blabbered something incoherent and ignored absolutely everything what I stated in my filings. In other words, just to simulate the proceedings, she simply scribbled some general inapplicable phrases and lies – the favorite trick of all those foul scumbags-judges.
5. Ninth Circuit, court of appeals

In accordance with the law and the Ninth Circuit’s local rules, which I referenced here, my action, discarded by Aiken, should have been summarily reversed even if just because Aiken intentionally “failed” to act on any of my filings which the Federal Rules and the “precedents” clearly say must be addressed. In such a case, the Ninth Circuit should necessarily remand to that “judge” to properly act on the filings. Also, I showed that I was being prevented from accessing the “medical” services by the sued scumbags for nearly a year – in order to cause as much damage as possible and cover up that the scumbags have targeted and poisoned me and my beautiful canines. I also showed that unquestionably I should have been allowed to amend my complaint because now I would have to refile it, pay thousands of dollars to re-initiate the action and re-serve a large number of defendants without any justification – rather than abuse by the criminal gangsters, called the “judiciary.” I also showed that I was intentionally deprived of all mandatory costs (that the Federal Rules require be awarded to me) and ALL my funds were stolen by the same scumbags, in which the Ninth Circuit – both at the district court and the appellate court levels – has been assisting.
Although I specifically wrote to Murguia, detailing criminal intentional mishandling - in such a clear violation of the law and rules - of my appeal, my emergency motion, and other requests, and publicly posted in my substack, my appeal continues being criminally suppressed. It is not an “error” – the scumbags do it deliberately and coordinate each step and each dirty dealing among each other.
6. Michael Mosman

In accordance with the criminal agenda of the criminal racketeering enterprise, formed by the criminals-in-law, Mosman, in an episode of vindictive corrupt authoritarian madness continued blocking my “access to courts” after I refiled the action. I must emphasize that the existing law unequivocally and clearly allows me to refile it and prosecute it.
7. Silverman, Ikuta, Miller - the Ninth Circuit’s panel that “dismissed” my appeal in violation of the numerous distinct statutory provisions, precedents, and principles of jurisprudence - in order to barricade access to “courts” and cover up the crimes
I am editing this post as on October 19, 2022, the foul worthless nits — not only pictured above as the entire criminal cartel is responsible — criminally “dismissed” - through a 10-word or so falsification - my appeal altogether, including the emergency motion for summary reversal. The post, linked below cites the applicable law and demonstrates that it is simply outrageous that the “federal judges” of “such a caliber” would so criminally and shamefully lie, pervert the statutory law enacted by the congress, and simply clearly maliciously participate in the crimes. I’ve attached some “legal” documents and offered to provide more documents, if needed, and challenged everyone who believes I am incorrect in any ‘interpretation” of the law or its proper application to try and “prove” that in the comments. I know that I am 100% correct with my assessment and all relevant “interpretations:”
I also know that everyone prefers to ignore what is going on. It’s like an elephant in the room whose presence is so unbelievable and inappropriate that they prefer to simply ignore it. That “elephant” is the evidence that the “respected judges” are the stinking criminals and their “courts” are the circuses where no matter how brilliantly and timely one asserts her rights, one cannot win as the scumbags have no respect for the law and do not follow it when their goal is to commit and cover up the crimes.
I really want people to understand that what I am talking about is not some frivolous failed “lawsuit,” like the ones I frequently hear about – such as for being “expelled” from “twitter” or “defamed” by “twitter,” etc. Thereafter, such “lawsuits” get dismissed through some lengthy “opinions” on the grounds that “twitter” is a private company and the “government” is not in a position to dictate it how to change its “policy,” etc. In response, the public raves about “injustice” and within several hours raises a quarter million dollars (or more?) for the fraudulent purported “victim” of “censorship.”
I am “not allowed” to even create a twitter account. Big deal.
Exceptionally well documented. I am utterly impressed by your stamina and courage and SO hope that you will be heard by many!
Madame Tusseaud's monster show... Thoroughly documented and well-written.
What's next is a good question...