My mom used to say: “There IS happiness in this world.” She referred to a simple joy of relieving one’s bladder after being unable to do so for a very long time due to a bathroom being unavailable. She, of course, said it jokingly and I remember this from the time when there were almost no public restrooms in places like stores and one could be forced to hold for a long time while on a prolonged shopping promenade.
While leaving criminal America, I felt exactly the same simple joy and felt relieved to finally be leaving the land of scumbags, crooks, liars, hypocrites, and bogus “democracy”: “There IS happiness in this world.”
Although – as I said earlier – the criminal cartel is not restricted by any borders or geographical locations, I still felt happy to be saying goodbye forever to the lawless America.
If you think that I am exaggerating, hear this, again:
In the US, the “top judges” are murderous, nasty criminals who could not be shamed into compliance with the law, including “holy of holies” -- the statutory “law.”

All those atrocities are being committed by these criminals under the guise of righteously “overseeing,” “enforcing,” “protecting,” and “following to a tee” the law that the criminals shamelessly violate and disregard.
In the US, there is a whole army of criminals that report “news” to you and whom many of you support and endorse by recommending their “Substacks,” reposting links to their fraudulent publications, sending them “cash donations,” and simply conceitedly pretending to “unsee” and go along with the “popular, widely accepted opinions.”
The world of American scumbags tacitly supports the criminals, pictured above. That’s why they continue with their crimes.
(It is possible that the situation in other countries is similar to that in America. As I said before, I only know about America – I experienced, witnessed, and personally observed the dealing of crooks, murderers, and criminals-in-law, and support they get from the public and other criminals, disguised as “activists” – only in the US).
Forrest flew with me on the plane. Although after the murderous criminal cartel, whose members are pictured above, targeted and poisoned us with some very potent toxins and then have been preventing us from accessing “medical services,” stealing, destroying, and falsifying our “medical records,” and more, Forrest lost almost 30 lbs. (was 78, now 52) and looks like a sick dog rather than the majestic and gorgeous pup as he was, many people on the plane admired him and asked permission to photograph that intelligent and kind dog.
In Turkey, where we had our connecting flight, three airport employees stopped working and came to play with Forrest and give him water. Never saw such dog lovers as those Turks!
Once in a while, I meet people who believe that ones they get to “America” or “Canada,” they will have “rights” – that is exactly the word they use. The dumbed down by the criminal, lying propaganda morons (I’ll admit – to a certain extent, I was one of them once) are dead set on “receiving” or “be given” “rights” in America. Amusing!
Goodbye forever, criminal America. I’m glad I am far away1 from your phony “democracy” and your murderous criminals, crooks, and sadists-in-law.
It is deeply saddening but one cannot truly escape the cartel, especially when scum of the earth harms one secretly, not in an obvious way. But one still has to be hopeful – and I choose to be hopeful and happy for even distancing myself from the place where the criminals I report on are concentrated and present physically.
Thanks to everyone who wishes me good luck. By the way, I was not having “bad luck” in the US, I just stumbled upon the criminal cartel which continues with its crimes exclusively because the public allows it and supports it in the wrongdoings.
In NYC, people got to see which places are better (the people who visit from other countries and then rush to get out of the USA to get back to those countries) v. the few people nowadays who come to the USA to stay at least a decade make some money then leave (Guatemala and Honduras are 2 examples). There are other people who came but then left long ago. the Chinese for example came in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s but then most of the Chinese left in the 1980s and 1990s. In different countries around the world today, the people who most talk about migrating away are the people in 5 eyes countries (US, UK, Australia, Canada, NZ)...... in other countries many people talk about leaving for a few years to make money on the Arabian peninsula, Europe, Canada.... a few people want to leave to Europe because their countries have gotten to be so bad (usually after some US war, or after some US directed and financed proxy war ..... such as Somalia, Yemen, Libya, El Salvador etc.). Around the world, no one talks about coming to the USA anymore, no one wants to come to the USA anymore....... there are Latin American countries that the CIA destroyed (Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Haiti, etc.) where many people just can't get to Europe but they can get to the US..... they don't want to permanently move to the US, they just want to come for a decade or two, send as much money 'home' during that decade or two then go back to their homeland or some country near their homeland. Not the US. Haitians for example, want to go to Europe first and foremost, Quebec is their second choice..... the USA is simply a stepping stone for Haitians to get to Europe (their 1st choice) or Quebec (their second choice). The US govt should get a clue that in the 1940s and 1950s there WERE people on earth who genuinely did want to immigrate to the US. It's been decades now that no one wants to permanently immigrate to the US anymore. There are indeed millions of Latin Americans (mostly Caribbean basin countries) who want to get in, make as much money as they can then get out. US govt officials should get the clue that the US is no longer a desirable country that people around the world want to move to ...... and the few who are still willing to come to the US just want to get in, get as much money as they can - while anyone still can before the US economically collapses - then get out of the US as fast as possible. Congrats again on getting out of the US as millions of other Americans (native born and naturalized citizens) have already done! The United States IS the new Nazi Germany. Everyone in NYC either already has a 2nd passport or wants to get a 2nd passport for when - not if, when - the USA collapses. The New Yorkers who have already gotten second passports usually carry them around 24/7 in case the USA collapses in a New York minute instead of a slow motion collapse. No one has a question anymore whether or not the corrupt US secret police state will collapse. Everyone in the USA already knows the USA will collapse (like the whore of babylon itself). A few have questions how (for example, will it be a quick collapse in a New York minute or will it be a slow collapse). Many have the question when? 2033? 2028? 2025? 2024? ... 2023?