Oregon Integrated Health and Jameson, ND ASSIST THE CRIMINALS and cancel diagnostic procedures per criminal orders of the “government.”
"Medical professionals" deny access to medical services when ordered to do so by the criminal governments.

After I protested corruption, crimes, and crime cover-ups, the criminal “government” started persecuting me and attacking in various ways, including with CHEMICAL WEAPONS. All three victims of such criminal, malicious attacks — I and my two wonderful Dogs — have been induced cancer which, as it appears – since we have been either prevented by the criminals from having diagnostic tests done and/or our tissues that were supposed to be studied histologically have been stolen by the criminals so there is no way to know “for sure” – is splenic lymphoma.
“The primary splenic lymphoma is extremely uncommon, can present with grave complications…In view of vague clinical presentation, it is difficult to arrive at the diagnosis. In such circumstances, histopathological diagnosis is very important. A precise diagnosis can only be made on histopathology and confirmed on immunohistochemistry.”
Through crime and deciet, the criminals ensured that Rebecca’s spleen is not taken out and examined. Forrest’s spleen was stolen by the scumbags although after it was removed, it was supposed to be examined histopathologically. And I have been trying to obtain an immunohistochemistry test, specifically recommended to me, for over a YEAR but the scumbags have been blocking my access to the procedure.
In this post, I attached evidence that it was not my initiative but Chaplin, who was my “PCP” – after consulting with an oncologist in Willamette Valley Cancer Institute – recommended an immunohistochemistry test — flow cytometry. Immediately thereafter, Chaplin and PeaceHealth were ordered to cancel the test, lie to me, and not order it again.
I then contacted Willamette Valley Cancer Institute, as I show in this post. I demonstrated to the Willamette Valley that its oncologist instructed my PCP to order a specific immunohistochemical test for me but that I have been unable to access it for a long time despite the recommendation. In response, it claimed that it does not diagnose cancer, does not order tests, and refused to see me as a patient.
I then tried to get “established” as a “patient” with another practice and became a “patient” of Chelsey Jameson, ND from Oregon Integrative Health.
Jameson told me that she ordered the recommended flow cytometry test for me on June 14, 2022. There were no orders pending so on July 1, 2022 I sent her a fax – as it is impossible to get anyone on the phone and the calls are taken by some call center outside of the actual practice. No response to my correspondence. On July 10, I sent her a message via the patient portal.
On July 12, she responded:
She claimed that on July 12 — in a month after she “ordered” the test for me, she was still “coordinating” a simple blood draw “set up” with them.
On July 21, I called Pathology Consultants to ask whether there is an order for flow cytometry placed with them for my name:
They did not have any orders for me.
I then wrote to Jameson, telling her that Pathology Consultants have no orders for my name:
In a week, Jameson parroted the same lie that she is “working” on it:
In 6 weeks after supposedly ordering the test, she was still “working” on “ordering” it.
After I sent my message to Jameson on July 21, see above, Pathology Consultants became “unable” to say whether there is an order placed for me. Instead, they would transfer me to some voicemail that does not return calls. Otherwise, they would just “not understand” my questions and tell me to “call the provider.”
I have been targeted and attacked by the criminals-in-law who now block access to “medical” services in order to cover up the crimes and inflict as much damage as possible. What they have done and been doing is murder — of me and my precious Dogs.
There are truly hundreds of people who have known about and have been participating in the targeting, which includes all the aspects such as denying “medical care,” falsifying documents, lying, remaining silent, etc. All those people have been readily complying.
The malicious and lying courts are an essential part of the criminal racketeering enterprise however it is being dismissed and ignored by nearly every “contrarian” or “alternative journalist.” When someone talks about it, it is always in general and abstract terms. If people would realize an extent of the court’s unlawful dealings in handling of my case and acknowledge it, then Mary Murguia would likely order her personnel to stop their criminal business and start following the law.
I have been trying to access appropriate diagnostic procedures for over a YEAR and have already started losing my muscles and tendons — just like my Dogs lost all theirs — due to the murderous chemical assault by the criminals and the progression of the disease that those scumbags have inflicted.
In the meantime, judges-criminals continue openly assisting with the crimes and cover-ups, because no one talks about it or makes it public.
Please SHARE this post to help bring awareness to the crimes that are being committed against me under color of law.